Building Comfort Bundle

General characteristics
The Building Comfort bundle is intended for retailers (store chains, gyms, cinemas, theatres, banks, etc.) whose objectives are continuous and detailed control of energy consumption, control of indoor air quality, and optimisation of maintenance, so as to guarantee the efficiency and performance of each individual site.
Ensuring comfort inside buildings is important for both customers and employees. Indoor pollution can cause headaches, fatigue and irritation; a controlled environment induces customers to stay longer and can improve productivity by reducing employee absence.
Optimising ventilation and air conditioning systems not only improves air quality, but can also reduce energy costs. HVAC energy consumption can be compared between different sites; data normalisation accounts for any differences in outside temperature and surface area. This allows in-depth analysis, making it possible to adopt targeted actions on specific sites.
Alarm dashboards help manage on-site service more quickly, minimising disruptions and thus maintaining an optimised and comfortable indoor environment.